Saturday, May 27, 2017

Shortkeys to work around in Excel Environment (Shortkeys/HotKeys)

Important short keys to work around in Microsoft Excel Environment to speedup your productivity ...  

Ctrl + A
Select All (if...)
Shft + ArrowKeys
Select adjacent cell
Shft + SpaceBar
Select whole row
Ctrl + SpaceBar
Select whole column

Column/ Rows/ Cells

Alt O C W
To change column width by points
Alt O R E
To change row height by points
Alt O C A
AutoFit column width as selected cell’s data.
Alt I R
Insert above a blank row
Alt I C
Insert right-side a blank column
Ctrl +
Insert column/ Row/ Cell.
Ctrl –
Delete column/ Row/ Cell.
Ctrl 0
Hide column(s)
Ctrl 9
Hide row(s)
Alt O C U
Unhide columns within selected range
Alt O R U
Unhide rows within selected range
Alt W F F
Toggle Freeze/ Unfreeze rows/columns


Ctrl PgUp
Goto previous sheet
Ctrl PgDn
Goto next sheet
Shft F11
Insert new worksheet
Alt H O R
Rename active sheet
Alt T P P
Toggle Protect/ Unprotect sheet
Alt I B
Toggle page break
Alt H O M
To get “Copy and Move” dialogue box

While Cell Editing

Goto start of line
Ctrl Home
Goto Start of cell contents
Goto end of line
Ctrl End
Goto end of cell contents
Ctrl LeftArrow
Move one word left side
Ctrl RigthArrow
Move one word right side
Ctrl Delete
To delete all data right side of cursor in cell.