Tuesday, February 21, 2017

VLOOKUP Function

VLOOKUP() Search a given value in the first column of an array, and returns a corresponding value from another column.


 =VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup]) 

1) lookup_value -- what u want to look in the first column of table_array

2) table_array -- range to look the lookup_value in first column and also it covers the corresponding return column.

3) col_index_num -- the corresponding column number in table_array where from desired return value lying.

4) range_lookup -- match type; for approximate match use true/1 and for exact match use false/0

* search from top to bottom, in first column of table_array and stops at the first match
* for corresponding column, it always goes from left to right.
* by default range_lookup is true
* sorted data is required if range_lookup is true, no need to sort if false.

How it works ...

How to use ...
suppose on a sheet we have data which downloaded from an ERP, where department IDs are mentioned instead of department names and department ID with department names are at available at another sheet.
The requirement is to add a column on main sheet and show department names.

check below example ...

VLOOKUP() with Approximate match ... 

For more detail, check below links or contact us ...


  1. Great help Akkaz, this is a vital and most used function.
    This will sure help us to use it correctly and quickly.
